Finding A Balance

Finding a balance can be really difficult when you work for yourself, it is something you have to learn and can take a while. During my career as a harpist, it has always depended on my situation.
Back in 2013 I moved into a rental property on my own for the first time. It was a huge step for me and made me a little nervous financially. However, not long after I moved in, a colleague of mine at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower Hotel suffered an injury and was unable to play the harp for a few months, which meant that we had to fill in her days. I believe I did a stretch of 34 days working without a day off. What was silly, but also quite lovely, was that on my one day off I had after that stretch, I went on a 6 mile walk along the canal.
Doing that walk when I was already pretty exhausted was a bit silly, but being near the water, surrounded by nature, is one of my favourite things to do. I slept well that night!

These days I prefer to have balance on a daily basis. I like to exercise as soon as I wake up, then have a leisurely breakfast before I get on with my day. As mentioned before in my previous post ‘A working Week’, I generally don’t start work until around lunchtime, however this does also mean that I don’t finish until later in the day. When I get home from work, I get straight into my pyjamas!
When it comes to the weekends, I always try to make sure I get one of the two days off. I am very lucky to be in a position where I can choose whether or not I want to work at weekends, but let’s face it, earning the extra pennies is always useful. In the last year or so, I have noticed my weekend gigs become much more local to where I live. I have traveled all over the country for weddings etc, but it is always lovely to not have to spend half the day in the car, getting to and from the wedding. There are some very lovely venues near me, Shendish Manor, Latimer House, Pendley Manor, Luton Hoo and The Grove, etc. This is all due to attending Wedding Fayre’s in Hertfordshire.

I feel I have really found my niche in my career. I am really enjoying weddings, gigs, and teaching. I don’t particularly find my work challenging (apart from the amount of driving I have to do) but I do find it enjoyable. I am also really enjoying blogging. It is a great way of sharing with you all, the things I do, what I enjoy and what I don’t, and my experiences. All while doing what I have always loved; playing the harp.
Thanks for reading and see you next time!